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Wendy Tamara Obeng and Rosie Wicks

Letter by Wendy Tamara Obeng and Rosie Wicks, Year 12

People of the Parliament. I am here to demonstrate my passion for the rapid abolition of slavery. I feel it is my duty to speak out for my people who are still entrapped. Slave owners will never know the meaning of justice until their own child is ripped away from them and made to work like animals for the bastards who still walk this earth.

They will never feel the pain of the bleeding hands that are forced to work day and night. Whilst the sun rises for slave owners, the rest remain in the darkness of their endless torture.

You call yourself Christians, yet continue to abuse our rights of God-given freedom. Are we not humans too do we not feel pain? If this does not change, we are heading towards a world of evil and injustice. Should we not compare them to Satan? Who have them this power? We have suffered in silence for too long.


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