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Evidence on soil improvers 2

Before the arrival of the South Eastern Railway local farmers found it very difficult to obtain chalk and other soil improvers, as discussed in their evidence to the Opposed Bill Committee.

Continued on page 3.


Evidence to Opposed Bill Committee on South Eastern Railway


23 March 1836, p.254

Catalogue number

Parliamentary Archives, HC/CL/PB/2/2/36


Q: Is the durability of Chalk as a manure considerably longer than lime?

A: I should say it is

Q: State the quantity of toms per acre - how many tons fo Chalk per acre would you apply to land?

A: From 40 to 60 tons per acre

Q: And how many years would that last before it required being renewed?

A: No doubt it would last from 15 to 20 years

Q: How much do you apply of lime per acre?

A: About 3 tons

Q: How long does that last before it wants to be renewed?

A: A very short time

Q: What do you call a little time?

A: I should say in a great...

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