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8 September 1823 letter, page 2

Letter in which a young man writes to his cousin to describe his journey from his cousin's home in Maidstone to London, via Margate.  The journey took him nine hours.


Letter from A C Wright to his cousin



Catalogue number

Kent History & Library Centre U194/C5/5/4


I think I must write you a few lines now just to tell you of my voyage home from Margate.

I left Margate about past 8 in the morning in the Venus Steam Boat, the Sea was very rough and the Vessel rolled very much, so that the breakfast things which had been previously laid were obliged to be removed, or they would have been broken by the motion of the Vessel.  When we arrived at the Nose it became rather smoother, and then we had breakfast.  The greatest part of the passengers were ill, but I was not at all.  We arrived at the Tower about 5 O'Clock in the Afternoon, and there my father met me and we proceeded home in a Coach which I reached at about past 5 after an absence of 13 months.  London as I said before is very dull & whatadds to it more is that there is a Scaffold erected from the top to the bottom of the Tower of Aldermary Church in order to repair it, I think iwill be some time about.  It is a very tremendous scaffold.  Well I think I have added a little to the length of this letter so adieu mind you write.