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8 September 1823 letter, page 1

Letter in which a young man writes to his cousin to describe his journey from his cousin's home in Maidstone to London, via Margate.  The journey took him nine hours.

To read more, please see page 2.


Letter from A C Wright to his cousin



Catalogue number

Kent History & Library Centre U194/C5/5/4


London 8th Sept 1823

My dear Cousin

My father received your letter & I am much obliged for your kind invitation to Langley.  I am sorry to say that as the Tea Sale is going on at present, I cannot come next week, but should it be convenient to you I can come on Monday next.  If it is not convenient to you, I will think you to write to me, but if it is, you need not write, & you may therefore expect me on Monday next.  I shall come by the Maidstone Coach, which sets off at 1/2 past 6 o'clock in the morning, & so walk to Langley, for I should prefer walking after riding.  My Father & Mother send Love to yours.

& believe me to remain

Your Affectionate Cousin

Alfred Wright

P.S. I shall not expect to hear from you unless it is inconvenient; therefore you may expect me on Monday

To read more, please see page 2.