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Thomas Day

Thomas Day is listed in the Book of Reference as owning and occupying a meadow.

We found him listed on the 1841 census, where his occupation is given as innkeeper.  In the 1851 census we found a bit more detail: he is listed as Innkeeper and Farmer of 95 acres, employing 4 men. 

He is living at the Unicorn Inn, which dates back to the 16th century, and is at the heart of the village.  Thomas Day must have been an important part of village society.  We found an entry in Marden's Vestry Book from 16 February 1838 which notes that Thomas Day was a Churchwarden.  His brother, James Day, is also listed as being a Churchwarden. 

We also found that Thomas Day died in 1862, and is buried in the graveyard of Marden Church.  On his headstone it is recorded that he was the innkeeper of the Unicorn Inn.

Unicorn Inn

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