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Welcome to ParliREACH! ParliREACH is a Workplace Equality Network (WEN) established to increase awareness and appreciation of race, ethnicity and cultural heritage issues in Parliament. It aims to provide a platform where under-represented groups can find support and where equality objectives can be progressed. ParliREACH welcomes anyone who feels that the group will allow them to gain support or voice concerns, regardless of whether you share a relevant protected characteristic.


ParliREACH's objectives:

  • First, to advocate for the recruitment, development and retention of staff from under-represented groups.
  • Second, to provide a support network to our members in the workplace.
  • Third, to host professional, networking, and social events.

We have regular meetings with Mr Speaker and also with the House of Commons Management Board. Through these meetings we have been able to explore various issues that we need support with, such as developing a leadership programme for BME (black and minority ethnic staff) and the need to get BME representation on Recruitment Boards.

Previous events and campaigns ParliREACH have delivered include:

UK Black Pride

Annual Report 2018/19

ParliREACH report: 'Stand in My Shoes: Race and Culture in Parliament'

Criminal Justice System Race Disparity Newsletter

Remembrance and reflection evening for Christchurch Mosque attacks

Mental Health and BAME Communities - Panel Discussion

First Waves exhibition, Westminster Hall

Holocaust Memorial Day 2019

Hidden Figures Film Screening 2019

Let's talk about race at work - focus groups

Black History Month 2018 - COACH exhibition

A celebration of the Windrush generation


All parliamentary passholders, including Commons and Lords staff, MPs staff and contractors are welcome to join ParliREACH, as are MPs and Peers. Membership is not restricted to people who require a platform relating to this WEN but those involved are required to respect the aims of the Network.

Further information

Latest tweets
