Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office performance and finances 2012-13
21 November 2013
Debate 2013: Finances of the House of Commons
21 November 2013
Terms of reference: Prisons: planning and policies
21 November 2013
UK Meat Production Ban must end
21 November 2013
MPs debate stalking laws
21 November 2013
Committee to hold first evidence session on Better roads
MPs to examine the strategic roads network
21 November 2013
Lords question Trade Minister on EU/US Investment Partnership
21 November 2013
First oral evidence session on the role of the judiciary
21 November 2013
Lords Committee calls for investment plan for UK scientific infrastructure
21 November 2013
Scottish Affairs Committee take evidence on Blacklisting in Cardiff Bay
20 November 2013
Defence Implications of Possible Scottish Independence: Government responds
20 November 2013
Northern Ireland Attorney General comments about ending prosecutions criticised
20 November 2013
Committee publish supplementary counter-terrorism written evidence
20 November 2013
MPs hear from Secretary of State for Scotland
20 November 2013
A taxing issue: Lords to investigate Personal Service Companies
20 November 2013