Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.
Government foreign policy towards the United States
14 November 2013
The UK's relations with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain
14 November 2013
How does sport promote Britain overseas?
14 November 2013
Committee take further evidence on Banking structure in Northern Ireland
14 November 2013
MPs announce new inquiry into Disability and development
14 November 2013
Sustainability in BIS report published
14 November 2013
Committee to hold second evidence session on maritime strategy
13 November 2013
MPs take evidence on local government procurement in Sheffield
13 November 2013
Further call for evidence on Statistics and Open Data
13 November 2013
Debate on the finances of the House of Commons
On Thursday 21 November, MPs will take part in a debate on a motion relating to the finances of the House of Commons
13 November 2013
Report on the Offender Rehabilitation Bill
13 November 2013
Statement on Infrastructure investment
13 November 2013
Environmental Audit Committee take evidence on Green Finance inquiry
12 November 2013
Extractive Industries Sector background explored
12 November 2013
Extractive Industries Sector background explored
Committee to hear from organisations on background issues, global standards and extracting in the UK
12 November 2013