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European Union

European Union news from UK Parliament.

Total results 1642 (page 17 of 110)
Call for evidence reopened after UK-Japan deal publication
The International Agreements Sub-Committee is reopening its call for evidence for the UK-Japan trade negotiations inquiry
23 October 2020
Inquiry launched on UK common frameworks after Brexit
UK common frameworks programme after Brexit inquiry launches
23 October 2020
Treasury Committee seeks update on UK’s customs preparedness for end of Brexit transition
The Treasury Committee took evidence from the Minister of State at the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury
23 October 2020
Committee reports on Gibraltar-Spain border arrangements and European Investment Bank
In its latest report, the European Scrutiny Committee considers recent draft EU legislation and policy documents about EU identity cards and InvestEU deposited in Parliament by the Government.
21 October 2020
Government should remove Part 5 of the UK Internal Market Bill
Report on United Kingdom Internal Market Bill published
16 October 2020
UK Internal Market Bill violates the rule of law and threatens to undermine devolution arrangements, says Committee
The Committee publishes its report on the United Kingdom Internal Market Bill
16 October 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Extradition (Provisional Arrest) Bill completes passage through both Houses
The bill will become law following Royal Assent
15 October 2020
Committee reports on 2021 EU budget and the removal of lobster tariffs
The European Scrutiny Committee considers recent draft EU legislation and policy documents deposited in Parliament by the Government
14 October 2020
Internal Market Bill impact on devolution examined Committee
The Welsh Affairs Committee explores the Internal Market Bill’s implications for devolution in the UK
13 October 2020
Pwyllgor yn archwilio effaith y Bil Marchnad Fewnol ar ddatganoli
Mae Pwyllgor Materion Cymru yn archwilio goblygiadau Bil y Farchnad Fewnol ar gyfer datganoli yn y DU
13 October 2020
Legal and policy experts questioned on UK trade remedies policy
The International Trade Committee explores the structure of the UK’s new trade remedies regime
13 October 2020
UK’s vital professional and business services overlooked in trade negotiations
EU Services Sub-Committee publishes report on professional and business services.
12 October 2020
Shared Prosperity Fund in NI to be examined by Committee
Committee to question experts on the replacement of EU structural funds with the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, after Brexit
12 October 2020
Ministers challenged on unresolved chemicals concerns
EU Environment Sub-Committee writes to Ministers with concerns on chemical regulation
12 October 2020
EU and UK flags
Post-transition plans for Channel Tunnel safety raise business continuity concerns
Committee publish report highlighting Channel Tunnel safety procedures after the post-Brexit transition period
07 October 2020
Total results 1642 (page 17 of 110)