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European Union

European Union news from UK Parliament.

Total results 1642 (page 18 of 110)
Academics questioned on future of UK-Ireland security co-operation after Brexit
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee examines post-Brexit future of cross-border policing and security
06 October 2020
Committee takes evidence from key industries in Wales
Welsh Affairs Committee hears from experts covering the steel, automotive and pharmaceutical industries in Wales
05 October 2020
Committee questions Michael Gove and Lord Frost
Committee on the Future Relationship with the European Union examines the state of play following the ninth round of formal talks
05 October 2020
Channel Fixed Link agreements and Energy Charter Treaty report published
The International Agreements Sub-Committee has published a report on four international agreements.
02 October 2020
MPs to debate petitions relating to the UK’s departure from the EU
MPs to debate petitions relating to the UK’s departure from the European Union
02 October 2020
‘Ychydig iawn’ o gynnydd gan Lywodraeth y DU i sicrhau cronfa amgen i gymryd lle nawdd yr UE yng Nghymru, meddai ASau
Pwyllgor yn cyhoeddi adroddiad ar ddisodli cyllid Strwythurol yr UE yng Nghymru
01 October 2020
EU and UK flags
Scrutiny of EU law and policy: the Joint Committee and the Northern Ireland Protocol Evidence Session
Committee evidence session with the Paymaster General.
30 September 2020
Committee reports on application of quotas and continuation of EU firearms laws under the Northern Ireland Protocol
European Scrutiny Committee considers recent draft EU legislation and policy documents
30 September 2020
British expats in EU need “sufficient warning” from UK banks if accounts will be terminated
Treasury Committee Chair writes to the Financial Conduct Authority
29 September 2020
This Week in the Commons, 21–25 September 2020
Highlights from the Commons this week include the Prime Minister's update on the government's response to Covid-19 and the debate on the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill. 
25 September 2020
UK trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand examined
The International Trade Committee meet on 23 September on the UK’s Free Trade Agreement negotiations with Australia and New Zealand.
22 September 2020
Committee reports on the future of the Channel Tunnel and support for fisheries
European Scrutiny Committee considers recent draft EU legislation and policy documents deposited in Parliament by the Government
22 September 2020
Experts questioned on Effect of Internal Market Bill on NI Protocol and Brexit negotiations
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee examines Brexit and the Northern Ireland Protocol
18 September 2020
Many issues outstanding on Protocol implementation for Northern Ireland agrifood
Many issues outstanding on Protocol implementation for Northern Ireland agrifood
17 September 2020
EU and UK flags
Committee reports on Brexit financial settlement, 2021 fishing quotas, and EU energy strategy
Committee reports on Brexit financial settlement, 2021 fishing quotas, and EU energy strategy
16 September 2020
Total results 1642 (page 18 of 110)