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Committee news from UK Parliament.

Total results 8039 (page 23 of 536)
Royal Mail: Business Committee Chair reacts to Ofcom report on the Universal Service Obligation
Business and Trade Committee Chair Liam Byrne comments following the publication of Ofcom’s report on potential Universal Service Obligation (USO) reform for Royal Mail
24 January 2024
Procedure Committee recommends that the Foreign Secretary should be scrutinised at the Bar of the House
Committee publishes report into Commons scrutiny of Secretaries of State in the House of Lords
24 January 2024
Committees publish plans for future scrutiny of strategic export controls
Committees publish plans for future scrutiny of strategic export controls
23 January 2024
Holocaust Memorial Bill Committee hearings taking place this week
Holocaust Memorial Bill Committee hearings talking place this week
23 January 2024
No change to the listed events regime in Wales, says UK Government
No change to the listed events regime in Wales, says UK Government
22 January 2024
Dim newid i'r drefn digwyddiadau rhestredig yng Nghymru, medd Llywodraeth y DU
Dim newid i'r drefn digwyddiadau rhestredig yng Nghymru, medd Llywodraeth y DU
22 January 2024
Lord Sumption and Lord Sandhurst questioned on Rwanda Bill human rights implications
Lord Sumption and Lord Sandhurst questioned on Rwanda Bill human rights implications
22 January 2024
Treasury Committee writes to 21 public sector organisations over use of Fujitsu
Treasury Committee writes to 21 public sector organisations over use of Fujitsu
19 January 2024
Committee on Standards announces evidence sessions as part of its inquiry into the House of Commons standards landscape
the Committee on Standards has arranged a number of oral evidence sessions which will take place over the coming weeks
19 January 2024
Children, young people and the built environment inquiry - Levelling-Up Committee publishes evidence ahead of opening evidence session
Children, young people and the built environment inquiry - Levelling-Up Committee publishes evidence ahead of opening evidence session
19 January 2024
MPs to quiz Government on outcome of UK’s annual fishing talks
The Minister for Food, Farming and Fisheries, Rt Hon Mark Spencer MP, will be questioned on the latest fisheries negotiations between the UK and its nearby coastal partners
18 January 2024
Ydy'r cynnydd mewn ail gartrefi mewn ardaloedd penodol yng Nghymru yn effeithio ar y Gymraeg?
Yn ei ail sesiwn dystiolaeth fel rhan o'r ymchwiliad 'Effaith newid poblogaeth yng Nghymru', bydd yr Aelodau'n canolbwyntio ar y sector tai a gwasanaethau lleol
18 January 2024
Is the Welsh language being affected by the increase in second homes in certain areas in Wales?
In its second evidence session as part of the ‘Impact of population change in Wales’ inquiry, Members will be focusing on the housing sector and local services
18 January 2024
Levelling Up Committee launch survey for inquiry on housing for disabled people
The online survey is designed to gather disabled people’s views and experiences of finding or adapting suitable housing
18 January 2024
Government accepts calls to publish more information, more quickly, on the experience of civil servants
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC) today publishes the Government’s response to its report on the Civil Service People Survey
18 January 2024
Total results 8039 (page 23 of 536)