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Commons news from UK Parliament.

Total results 3908 (page 13 of 261)
SITC “bemused” by Government claims on lack of specialist laboratory capacity in UK
The Government has published its response to SITC’s January report on the life-and-limb saving potential of bacteriophages
14 March 2024
Invest in our green spaces, say MPs
The EFRA Committee argues that green spaces should be a much higher priority, and calls for reforms to encourage more investment into green infrastructure.
14 March 2024
Government failing to grasp fully the “e-waste tsunami”: EAC questions why so many of its recommendations accepted by Ministers are not being consulted on
Four years on from the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) report into e-waste, it appears little progress has been made
12 March 2024
Justice Committee to hear from charities amid financial fears over Probate delays
The Justice Committee will take evidence from charities on the financial impact of probate delays during the first session of its new Probate inquiry
11 March 2024
Coming up in the Commons 11-15 March
Find out what's coming up in the House of Commons 11-15 March
08 March 2024
Carcharorion yn dychwelyd i'r gwaith yn ystod ac ar ôl eu dedfrydau: ASau yn clywed gan elusennau a chyflogwyr, gan gynnwys TimpsonGroup
Carcharorion yn dychwelyd i'r gwaith yn ystod ac ar ôl eu dedfrydau: ASau yn clywed gan elusennau a chyflogwyr, gan gynnwys TimpsonGroup
07 March 2024
PACAC renews its calls for legislative reform of the PHSO
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee has published its report on the performance of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) from 2022-2023
04 March 2024
Sub-Committee on Overseas Territories issues call for evidence on education
The Committee issues a call for evidence on how the UK Government supports the education of students from the Overseas Territories both in the UK and in their respective territories
01 March 2024
Coming up in the Commons 4-8 March
Find out what's coming up in the House of Commons 4-8 March
01 March 2024
I ba raddau mae economi Cymru'n cael ei heffeithio gan bobl ifanc yn gadael Cymru?
Bydd y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn cynnal ei drydedd sesiwn dystiolaeth yn archwilio Effaith newid poblogaeth yng Nghymru, gan ganolbwyntio ar effaith pobl iau yn gadael y genedl ar yr economi
01 March 2024
To what extent is Wales’ economy impacted by young people leaving Wales?
The Welsh Affairs Committee will be holding its third session examining population change in Wales, focusing on the economic impact of younger people leaving the nation
01 March 2024
“In war we expect the deaths to be men of fighting age. In Gaza they are overwhelmingly women and children” - IDC reports on the humanitarian situation in Gaza
International Development Committee publishes report on humanitarian situation in Gaza
01 March 2024
MPs look at Civil Service’s dual role supporting UK and Scottish Governments
Scottish Affairs Committee launches inquiry on Intergovernmental Relations: The Civil Service
29 February 2024
MPs publish report on Assisted Dying/Assisted Suicide
Committee chair, Steve Brine MP, said he hoped it will act as a comprehensive basis for future debate in both Houses of Parliament
29 February 2024
Comment: Government consultation on 27 new designated swimming spots across England
Environmental Audit Committee Chair, Rt Hon Philip Dunne MP reacts to news that the Government is consulting on 27 new designated swimming spots across England
26 February 2024
Total results 3908 (page 13 of 261)