Management Board Papers Jan - March 2009
- Management Board Agenda January 2009 (pdf 17KB)
- Management Board Minutes January 2009 (pdf 129KB) (PDF 129KB)
- MB2009.P.1 Action List (pdf 19KB)
- MB2009.P.2 Performance and risk information (pdf 68KB)
- MB2009.P.3 2008-09 Final forcast outturn (pdf 351KB) (PDF 351KB)
- MB2009.P.4 ICT Infrastructure introduction (pdf 44KB)
- MB2009.P.5 ICT infrastructure and desktop (pdf 51KB) (PDF 51KB)
- MB2009.P.6 House equality scheme update (pdf 27KB)
- MB2009.P.6a House equality sheme summary (pdf 122KB)
- MB2009.P.6b House equality scheme revised draft (pdf 423KB)
- MB2009.P.7 Performance and development management (pdf 24KB)
- MB2009.P.7a PDM form (pdf 40KB)
- MB2009.P.7b PDM annex b (pdf 21KB)
- MB2009.P.8 Balanced scorecard update (pdf 32KB)
- MB2009.P.9 Management Board papers updated guidance (pdf 46KB) (PDF 45KB)
- MB2009.P.11 Revised draft corporate business plan (pdf 16KB)
- MB2009.P.11a Corporate business plan 2009-10 (pdf 479KB)
- MB2009.P.12 Allocation of garden party invitations (pdf 17KB)
- Management Board Agenda February 2009 (pdf 17KB)
- Management Board Minutes February 2009 (pdf 205KB) (PDF 205KB)
- MB2009.P.13 Action List (pdf 20KB)
- MB2009.P.14 Performance management (pdf 62KB)
- MB2009.P.16 Records management compliance audit (pdf 124KB)
- MB2009.P.17 Whistleblowing (pdf 92KB)
- MB2009.P.18 Prompt payment targets (pdf 47KB)
- MB2009.P.21 Visitor management review (pdf 298KB)
- MB2009.P.23 Members' intranet portal (pdf 22KB)
- Management Board Agenda March 2009
- Management Board Minutes March 2009
- MB2009.P.24 Action List
- MB2009.P.26 Corporate risk
- MB2009.P.27 Environmental strategy for Houses of Parliament (PDF 164KB)
- MB2009.P.29 Governance issues
- MB2009.P.31 Parliamentary estates directorate
- MB2009.P.31a PED action plan
- MB2009.P.32 Estates and governance reporting (PDF 17KB)
- MB2009.P.33 Governance of ICT services
- MB2009.P.34 Balanced scorecard approach
- MB2009.P.34a Balanced scorecard presentation slides (PDF 797KB)
- MB2009.P.34b Balanced scorecard presentation slides (PDF 2.0MB)
- MB2009.P.35 Departmental business plans
- MB2009.P.36 Survey of services
- MB2009.P.37 Data risks
- MB2009.P.38 HR update